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Houston, TX 77077, EEUU
Bogotá, Colombia

Frequently Asked Questions
How does this platform help my company?
Our platform generates the visibility that you as owner, executor and/or supervisor of works requires to maximize the results of your projects, you will have access to real-time information of what is happening in your projects to make the best decisions about your business. From the daily collaborative work of your collaborators, contractors and subcontractors, our platform automatically generates reports and dashboards updated 24/7. You will be able to know the root cause of your on-site problems and the components of your projects that require attention and action.
Do I have to be an expert in Project Control to use this platform?
No, our technology is designed to help you manage, consolidate and transform the daily data of your projects, our automatic reports and dashboards will help you identify opportunities for improvement and risks in the execution of your projects, we want you to focus on growing your business while we support you with the daily operation of it.
Is the service free of charge?
We have available a FREE plan with key functionalities to help MSMEs and SMEs in the project sector to digitize basic project control processes such as daily reports and weekly reports. To access this service, just register your company from the link below:
How are the PRO plans paid for?
You can access a monthly license payment with automatic charge to your debit/credit card, our electronic payment gateway will process the charge to your card every month automatically. You can also make your annual license payment (one payment/year) and you will enjoy a 15% discount on the regular monthly investment.
Can I withdraw from the PRO plan?
Yes, by sending a message in the “contact” button in your profile you can request the cancellation of your PRO license. In case you have made the annual payment, the automatic renewal of your license will be cancelled and you will have access to the tools until your current license expires.
Do you have any help and/or assistance system for users?
YES, we have explanatory videos where we share with you how to use our platform, we also have a contact button where you can send us messages, our team will answer your questions in a maximum of 48 business hours.
How many users can I link to my projects?
EVERYONE your operation requires, from direct collaborators of your company, to your customers and contractors / subcontractors.